
NEW! 2024 National Lutheran High School Discipleship Study (NLHSDS)

On January 7, 2025, Sierra Vista Ministries released the results of a national discipleship study focused on the attitudes of high school students related to trusting God and toward philanthropy.

Featuring over 1,600 students from 33 Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS) high schools across 17 states, the NLHSDS is the first of its kind in the LCMS and is believed to be the first of its kind focusing on the attitude and relationship of trust and tithing.  Study and graphs available HERE.

Coming March, 2025, SVM President Brian Underwood will release an eye-opening book, The Giver Gets More: A Christian Renaissance in Trusting and Tithing which looks at America’s post-COVID relationship with Christianity and what it means for the future of the nation’s faith life, and the financial impact on the Great Commission. As growing numbers of Gen Xers, Millennials, and Gen Zers walk away from the Church at an alarming rate, The Giver Gets More shares an array of powerful stories, testimonials and contemporary references that make a case for a Christian renaissance of trusting the Lord, and the blessings of putting that trust to the test of tithing. This must-read gets to the heart of what it means to trust the Lord with one’s first fruits, and the abundant blessings that flow from that trust, both for God’s people, and for the Church.

Enjoy here a preview of the preface and introduction to The Giver Gets More.  To be placed on list for pre-sale information, email [email protected].


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